The Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS) was founded in 1926 and is one of the world's oldest national neurosurgical societies. We currently have just over 600 members.
The purpose of the Society is the study and advancement of neurosurgery. This is achieved through the scientific meetings of the Society, through publications arising from deliberations about aspects of neurosurgical practice and delivery of neurosurgical services, through fostering professional relationships amongst neurosurgeons and through engagement with the public and bodies involved in the provision of care to patients requiring neurosurgery.
Neurosurgical National Audit Programme (NNAP) Committee
The Neurosurgical National Audit Programme (NNAP) is overseen by a NNAP Governance Committee which comprises representatives from all SBNS nations, an academic advisor, an external medical advisor, and a lay member. The Committee oversees the quality assurance of the programme, liaises with regional units and advises on the management of outliers, publishes reports, and communicates with public bodies. Separate committees manage audits and benchmarking based on national datasets including HES data, cancer registries, and a full range of subspecialty audits.
Contact Us
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